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Once booked there's no refund. You agree that by participating in physical exercise in this event, it is entirely of your own risk. You agree that you are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risks of personal and physical injury, illness, or death. By signing below you acknowledge that you have carefully read and agree to this “waiver and release" and fully understand that your signature represents your release of liability on the part of Instructors, and Zumba® Fitness, LLC. You expressly release and discharge Instructor(s), Zumba® Fitness, Inc. and Zumba® Fitness, LLC. from any and all claims or causes of action and you agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right that you otherwise have to bring a legal action against said Instructor(s) and Zumba® Fitness, LLC for your personal injury or property damage. You expressly release and discharge Instructor(s), Zumba® Fitness, LLC, their entities, assets, from any and all claims or causes of action, and you agree to voluntarily of action, and you agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right that you otherwise have to bring a legal action against said organization, entities, and assets for your personal, physical injury or property damage.

4 Zumba ®️Virtual Classes with recordings

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